It's no secret that vibrators are a source of powerful orgasms. Although most women may not admit it, we love vibrators. We have vibrators.
Some of us even own an array of vibrators. A perfectly placed humming motor can produce the most intense orgasm we've ever experienced.
Do women still need men to satisfy them? Does she like her favorite purple vibrator more than he does? This is the million-dollar question that people have wondered about for decades.
This topic is rarely discussed in a relationship because if a man brings it up in a conversation, it suggests weakness or insecurities, which is a distaste for a woman. Instinctively, women like masculine men, providers, level-headed, confident men.
When a man expresses concern that small electronic devices have the power to surpass his sexuality, the conversation can get awkward.
I'm here to tell you the truth and provide some female thinking on why we're using vibrators in the first place and how you can get involved so you don't feel left out.
Yes, she loves her vibrator, but you are useful too.
"Vibrators are the source of women's fantasies. It's the equivalent of men watching porn. It makes the experience better; men like visual stimulation, women like tactile stimulation. That's how men and women are connected. Rejecting her vibrator is like rejecting you. pornography.”
Let's spin a story here to learn some lessons:
You're dating a new woman, and it's time to move the relationship into the bedroom. When she opens the drawer to get a condom, you happen to peek into her drawer and you see this huge, realistic looking vibrator; it's much bigger than you.
So naturally you think she prefers a nice guy and you're just normal. Now you feel under par. Does she even notice you during sex?
Does she like her vibrator more than I do? The honest truth:
She is as excited about having sex as you are. Even if you're a mere 6 inches and her vibrator is 10 inches. Don't be jealous of fake rubber dicks.
No matter how big or powerful a penis vibrator is, the real thing is always the most popular. A real man comes with an emotional aspect of sex that a chunk of silicone can never provide.
Women love the mental and emotional aspects of sex that only come when men caress us, look us in the eyes, touch our bodies. Human touch can never be replaced.
Truth be told, orgasms may not be as intense as those produced by a G-spot vibrator, but the mental and emotional satisfaction is just as good as the orgasm results from a toy.
Now you!
Now let's fast-forward a long time and you're still dating the same woman. Now, while you're there, she's probably bringing the big fat vibrator to bed. You should be glad this happened - it's the first day of your new adventurous sex life!
Why is she doing this?
Not because you no longer satisfy her. Sex becomes regular and regular over time, and even if you're deeply in love, the erotic spark isn't as strong as it used to be. Time to try something new to rekindle the spark in your sex life. Bedroom toys are the perfect remedy for bland sex.
Sure, the vibrator may be wider than you, but don't feel unsafe. Completely change your perspective and realize that she is inviting you to pervert. She lets you use it on her, not because it feels better than you, but because she wants to play with you.
The best part?
When you use a toy on her, you get an awesome view.
In conclusion, don't think she likes her vibrator more than you. That's not its purpose. Women like the human touch, like an orgasm from a sex toy. They offered us 2 different paths to satisfaction.
What not to do:
The only thing that gets weird is if you insist on getting your partner to drop their vibrator. If so, you bet she'll tell you to quit porn. This is certainly not something you want to risk!
What should you do:
Take this opportunity to buy a vibrator together. You might think this is my bias for speaking here, but using a vibrator together is one of the most fun ways to enhance your foreplay. It does make things interesting in the bedroom, especially after you've been together for a while and sex starts to get too routine. Pervert, my friends.