Which is better 7 inch dildo and 9 inch dildo

When it comes to choosing a dildo, the most important thing is to find a size and shape that works for you and your individual preferences. Some people may prefer a smaller size, while others may prefer a larger size. It is also important to consider the thickness and girth of the dildo, as this can also affect your level of comfort and enjoyment.

In general, a 7 inch dildo is considered a more average size, while a 9 inch dildo is on the larger side. If you are new to using dildos, you may want to start with a smaller size and work your way up to a larger size over time, as you become more comfortable and experienced.

It is also important to consider the material of the dildo, as well as any additional features such as texture or vibration. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a dildo that feels comfortable, pleasurable, and safe for you to use.
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