How To Find The Right Sex Toy Size?

How To Find The Right Sex Toy Size?

      When people buy sex toys for the first time, most of them care more about the function and purpose of the toy, rather than something as boring as the actual size. But there is nothing worse than owning a toy and discovering it is too big or too small.

  Sex toys and vibrators come in many sizes. Some mini vibrators are only half an inch long and only a quarter inch wide, while dual dildos can easily stretch to 18 inches long! Small vibrators are discreet and easy to carry around, while large vibrators provide a stronger feeling. Although there are far fewer choices in terms of toy width, when you try to use it, small differences may and will feel important. With all these types, it is difficult to find a toy that perfectly fits your body. Over the years, some time-tested methods have been developed to make the process easier.

  Method 1-Measurement If you choose a sex toy that is roughly the same size as your partner or your current favorite toy, you can't go wrong. Just measure your partner to determine his length and width, and then look for matching toys. If you have always wanted your partner to be older, then this is a great opportunity to give it a try. Just don't get too overwhelmed, especially in terms of width. Even if the new toy ends up being a bit too long, you can still use it. But if your sex toy becomes too wide, it may end up being more painful than enjoyment.

  Method 2-If you are single and do not have a sex toy that you really like, then you should start somewhere in the middle. A medium-sized dildo or vibrator is about 6 inches long and 1 to 1.25 inches wide. After using your average-sized toy for a few weeks, you should be very clear whether your next toy needs to be smaller or much larger. You may need to make a few different attempts, but in the end you will find a sex toy that is not too small or too big but is perfect for you.

  All methods will not help you find the most suitable size at one time. You need to find the most suitable size toy by yourself in the process of using it.
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